What do you do with a Witch?


 “Sometimes it’s the witches in your life who help you find another way to balance.”

- Katie Harbath, Founder & CEO of Anchor Change

Who do I serve?


I see you.

Somewhere along the journey to “success,” you lost your way. You focused your energies trying to earn love, acceptance and validation from your parents, bosses, colleagues and friends based on their goals and ideals, not yours.  

Today you might find yourself high-performing but empty, in-demand but soul-constrained, admired by others but plagued by deep fear and doubt, outstanding on LinkedIn but fatigued and overwhelmed. You are wildly “successful” and desperately burned-out.

Perhaps you’ve tried executive coaching and can talk-the-talk of what you’ve learned. Perhaps you’ve read self-help books and lion-posed in front of the mirror so you could fake-it-till-you-made-it. Despite all of this, you still feel like you’re performing instead of flowing; pretending instead of truly knowing; hoping instead of embodying. 

Heed the call.

If you’re yearning and ready for deep radical change, I can help you. I am the person at the crossroads holding a lantern to help illuminate the path back to yourself. I am devoted to YOU. Devoted to helping you speak aloud the whispers that are already in your soul. Devoted to helping you dance to your own rhythm and write your true song, rather than dancing to the fake noise of corporate culture and societal expectations.

You know who you are.  

You believe in magick.  

Be brave. 

Let me help you remember.

Know my commitment.

I’m not an executive coach at all, although I totally understand corporate culture. I’ve been there. I’m not concerned about your office performance, your productivity or your results. Your worthiness is not measured by your LinkedIn profile, your salary, your title or your net-worth. And I don’t serve your boss, your corporation or your community.

What I am devoted to is YOU. I help you remember who you are through a combination of ceremony, ritual and magickal practices like tarot, altar building and guided meditations that push you to move through stuck patterns and discover your personal power, creativity and intuition.  

Trust our journey.

Together, we will embark on an art walk of your inner sanctum. We’ll tune into messages from your subconscious through tarot, meditation journeys and altar rituals. I will help you to listen to your own wise knowing. 


“Working with Rebecca has been a total game changer for me. She has helped me establish practices to ground my energy, hear my inner voice more clearly to make decisions, and better navigate the tough curve balls that life throws my way.

I am more confident in my leadership from working with her. She also has helped me understand my unique rhythms and how they connect in the cycles of the earth and moon. This has given me insight for trusting my intuition and when to plan certain important life and work events.

I highly recommend working with Rebeccca. If you have done traditional coaching and are looking to blossom into deeper dimensions of your being, she is your answer to guide and teach you new tools and lessons as you excel into your higher purpose.”

- Olivia Barineau

“I have had the divine pleasure of several readings from Rebecca—at different times in my life and career. She has an amazing gift for showing me what I already know, but refuse (or lack the capacity) to acknowledge, own, and act on. Rebecca is Brilliant. Wise. Kind. Witchy. And always on point. A trusted guide and confidant, as well as a shaman. Her ability to read what’s in the cards and tie it to practical and inspirational coaching and consultation is singular. She has a gift…and those who take steps to receive it are lucky beyond measure.”

- Julia (Juju) Hook